Get to Know
Our Dairy Family
The Cows
The Guernsey cow breed is famous within the dairy farming industry. So popular is the 'Golden Guernsey' that you can find them on farms across Britain, North America, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa.
They're known for their friendly, docile nature and for producing some of the best milk in the world - golden in colour, rich in flavour and with a high nutritional value.
It is said that the first Guernsey cows set foot on the Island in the middle ages, led by monks from Mont St Michel.
Since 1819, Guernsey law has prevented the importation of cattle to ensure all the cows are pure, bred on island and disease free. The same law applies to Sark and our dairy.
The Farmers
Jason and Katharine Salisbury are our wonderful husband and wife dairy farming team. The couple have joined us from Suffolk, where they ran a very successful dairy, with award-winning milk and cheeses.
An added advantage is that Katharine is a Vet – a useful addition to Sark's community.
Both Jason and Katharine have settled well into Sark life. Jason is giving the School children “enrichment” lessons on animal husbandry and agriculture. We hope this will encourage young people to consider agriculture as a career.
Katharine is also keen to begin developing and supplying the community with a range of Sark Cheeses and Yogurt!